Benefits of Transdermal Magnesium Oil

Supplementing with magnesium oil has many benefits as close to two thirds of the population are deficient. Magnesium is a vitally important mineral as it is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Many people are deficient due to modern farming practices which deplete the...

Can Valerian Root be Used as an Antidepressant or Sleep Aid?

Valerian root has for thousands of years been used to treat sleep disorders like insomnia, and recently people have been using valerian root as an antidepressant with good results. Even with so many prescription drugs and over the counter "remedies" valerian root is still...

Beat Insomnia Naturally

The few times I've suffered from bouts of insomnia has made me deeply grateful for a good night's sleep. If you haven't been through it, it's hard to imagine the agonies you go through when you're lying, watching the minutes tick slowly by. There...

Treat Insomnia Naturally

You toss, you turn, you lie awake and sleep eludes you; you just want to know how to cure insomnia without drugs. Sure, pills can help, but you already know that they can be addicting. Here are some drug-free ways to get rid of insomnia.

Looking For An Insomnia Remedy? Consider Eating These Foods!

It can be very frustrating tossing and turning for the hundredth time in bed in the night. As this has been going on for some time, you may find it easy to become on sleeping pills. If you have been reaching for the medicine cabinet regularly at...